Welcome to our Customer Complaints page
If you have already been in touch with Abri and things haven't been put right, you've not received the service you need and you remain unhappy, or if you are not happy about a building safety risk in one of our high risk buildings, you can raise a formal complaint.
We understand that sometimes we may not get it quite right and if that happens, we will investigate what happened, listen, learn and take prompt action to put matters right.
Delivering a great experience to our customers is top of our agenda. In fact, we have big ambitions to become a top ten provider of customer service in the UK.
But we understand that sometimes we may not get it quite right and if that happens, we will listen, learn and take prompt action to put matters right.
Complaints Annual Report
Our annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report was presented to and approved for publication by our Customer Service & Performance Committee (CSPC), on 12 June 2024.
Both our Executive Director of Operations, Ralph Facey (Abri’s Member Responsible for Complaints under the Housing Ombudsman Code), and the Chair of CSPC, Lou Taylor (Abri Board Member), commented that whilst there is more we need to do to improve our complaints service in the coming year, this report outlines the positive journey Abri has been on over the last year and the improvements made to services as a result of learning from complaints. It also demonstrates the learning Abri has taken, and continues to take from the Ombudsman’s Spotlight Reports, ensuring action plans are in place to address recommendations made.
Read the Abri Complaints Annual Report
A separate Annual Report was produced for Silva last year and Dasos Christou (Regional Managing Director) and Maggie Porteous (Chair of the South East Regional Board and Group Board Member) commented, the report demonstrates the significant progress we have made with our complaints service in the last 12 months. We are always looking to improve our services and Silva will continue to apply lessons learned and insights from the Ombudsman Spotlight Reports to further enhance our approach
How to report a complaint
We provide a simple, fair and consistent approach to all complaints and we use the learnings to drive service improvements across our business. We appreciate your feedback and we’re committed to turning things around for you.
You can log your complaint by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.
Please provide as much information as possible regarding your complaint and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Alternatively, we have several ways you can get in touch about your complaint:
- Call our Customer Contact team on 0300 123 1567
- Write to our Customer Relations team at: Abri, Collins House, Bishopstoke Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 6AD
- In-person at one of our office receptions
- Email to hello@abri.co.uk or customerrelations@abri.co.uk.
- Web chat on the Abri website or the customer portal
- Message on the customer portal
- Social Media including Facebook (search Abri Community)
- Download the Word version of our Complaint form and return it to us via post or email
Are you a legacy Silva customer?
Please contact us via the following methods:
- Email customerrelations@abri.co.uk
- Call 0300 123 1567
- Write to our Customer Relations team at Abri, Western Peninsula, Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1RF
- Social media including Facebook (Abri Community)
- Download the word version of our complaints form and return it to us via post or email.
You can find answers to some Frequently Asked Questions below:
Building safety complaints
Our complaints policy has been updated to help us meet our new obligations under the Building Safety Act 2022 (Section 93) which requires the Principle Accountable Person (PAP) to establish and publish a complaints system.
A relevant Building Safety complaint is defined in the Building Safety Act as a complaint relating to: A ‘building safety risk’ - a risk to the safety of people in or about the building arising from either the spread of fire of structural failure; and/or the performance by an accountable person with regard to their duties.
Where a complaint regarding building safety does not meet the above definition, it may still be able to be reviewed under the wider housing complaints policy. We will advise if this will be used instead.
If you have reported a fire or structural issue in a high risk building and are unhappy with how we dealt with it you can make a complaint – and we’ll try our best to put things right.
You might want to complain about our performance in meeting our legal duties under the Building Safety Act – for example, communications to residents and how we manage building safety issues.
If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of your complaint you can refer this to the Building Safety Regulator.
Can I have a copy of your Complaints policy & procedure?
Yes of course, you can download copies from the links below:
What will happen when I make a complaint?
Your complaint will be acknowledged within a maximum of 5 full working days by our Customer Relations Team. The process and expected timescales will be clearly explained.
Whilst you are waiting for your complaint to be investigated, your Complaint Officer will keep in regular contact and will provide updates on the progress.
Stage 1
Your complaint will be assigned to a dedicated Complaint Officer who will investigate your concerns by working with the relevant areas of the business. We will contact you to explain the outcome and what will happen next.
Stage 2
Whilst we resolve most of our complaints at Stage 1, you have the right to ask for a further review if you are not satisfied with the outcome. At this stage, your complaint will be reviewed by a senior colleague.
How long does it take to review and resolve complaints?
Stage 1
We aim to resolve your complaint within 10 working days from the point the complaint has been formally acknowledged.
Stage 2
We aim to resolve your complaint within 20 working days from the point the complaint has been formally acknowledged.
If we need more time to investigate, we will contact you to let you know and explain the reasons why.
What if I’m not happy with how Abri handles my complaint?
If you're not happy with the resolution of your complaint, let us know. We want to work with you to find a resolution.
If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of your complaint you can refer this to the Building Safety Regulator.
If you're still unhappy, you can refer your concerns to the Housing Ombudsman who help to resolve disputes involving tenants and leaseholders of social housing providers.
Their service is free, independent, and impartial.
For more information, please visit the Housing Ombudsman website.
What if I already have an open complaint?
If you already have an active complaint, please do not complete the complaint form. Instead, please email the Customer Relations team via customerrelations@abri.co.uk to speak with your dedicated Complaint Officer about your additional concerns.
Make a complaint
Download our Guide to making a complaint
DownloadHousing Ombudsman service
The Housing Ombudsman Service is set up by law to look at complaints about registered housing organisations, including housing associations and local authorities.
As a member, we are committed to working with the Housing Ombudsman by complying with their investigations and learning from their outcomes.
The Housing Ombudsman’s service is free, independent and impartial and they can be reached by using the contact details below.
- Complete an Online complaint form
- Phone: 0300 111 3000
- Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk
- Postal address: Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 152, Liverpool L33 7WQ
For building safety complaints there is a different escalation process, if you are unhappy with how we have dealt with your building safety compliant you can refer it to the Building Safety Regulator.
Download our Housing Ombudsman self-assessment
DownloadSocial Housing Issue? Know your rights, know how to complain.
Everyone deserves a home that is safe, secure, and well maintained. If you live in social housing, your landlord is responsible to fixing issues, including damp and mould, leaks, broken locks or changes you need to your home if you’re disabled.
They can also help with anti-social behaviour, like noisy neighbours. Know the steps to get an issue fixed.
Step 1. Report it to your landlord. Then, if it is not fixed...
Step 2. Complain through your landlord’s complaint process, and if you’re not happy with the final response from your landlord...
Step 3. Escalate your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman.
Advice about contacting the Housing Ombudsman
The Housing Ombudsman is impartial, will investigate fairly and can order your landlord to take action. Once the Housing Ombudsman has ruled against a landlord, they must show they are taking action within 6-8 weeks.
Last year, the Housing Ombudsman ordered landlords to pay over £1m in compensation to residents. Know your rights, visit gov.uk/social-housing